Sunday 17 February 2019


We’ve almost reached Ushuaia. We’re due to dock at 09.00 

We rose at 04.30 to see sunrise at 05.08! We’re now sailing up the Beagle Channel (So named after Darwin’s ship The Beagle), with Chile to our left and Argentina to our right. We’ll dock in Ushuaia and the ship will remain in port until 21.00 when we set sail for the Antarctic via Cape Horn.

We passed Estancia Herberton  - the largest estancia in the area - stretching as far as the eye can see!! The ranch has been in the family for 5 generations. 

Along the Chilean side of the Channel were flashing lights - the Chileans jealously guard  their  coastline. 

As I write, the wind is howling outside and it sounds like a banshee!! 

The promised 20C in Ushuaia has been revised to high of 13C and a low of 8C - acceptable for a city located a mere 750 miles from Antarctica. Argentina claims Ushuaia to be the most southerly CITY in the world while Chile claims the most southerly SETTLEMENT at Puerto Williams.! More than neighborly rivalry! Today we will have 18 hours of light. 

At 11.00 we went ashore. Ushuaia, El Fin del Mundo ( the end of the world !) not quite - there’s the vast Antarctic out there! 

As we left the port, we were reminded of the past! 

The war in the Malvinas/Falklands is commemorated in a number of monuments and a photographic display situated in Plaza 

Above is the list of Argentinians who died in that war. It is reminiscent of the Vietnam memorial in Washington DC. 

                The sinking of the Belgrano

The city has embraced the tourists with prices to match - very different 16 years ago! The main attractions are the National Park and the train to El Fin del Mundo, a catamaran on the Beagle Channel and the prison museum in the city - all sampled on our previous visit. 

We returned to the ship, having spent five hours walking the city. Lest you doubt that I was here, a certificate was issued as proof of my whereabouts! 

Tonight -dinner and the film Bohemian Rhapsody neither of which I made-  ‘fooded out’ and too exhausted to attend the cinema! This cruising is hard work!!! 

We commenced our departure at 21:00. The ship reversed out of port and then turned to sail out the Beagle Channel once again - towards Cape Horn and thence to Antártida (Antartica). 

Leaving Ushuaia behind - Let the adventure commence.........


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