Thursday 7 February 2019

At Sea 1

I awoke at dawn. 

Later there was a pleasant sunrise 

The sea was calm. Last week’s voyage was the most successful the Ship’s Captain had ever experienced in his 6 years sailing this route. Weather is all important if the ship is to successfully land at its various locations. Nothing is guaranteed on this voyage - it all depends on the weather! 

Breakfast was followed by a lecture on Charles Darwin at 9. It was interesting in that I learned a little more of Darwin. 

Lunch followed and then another presentation entitled ‘An Antarctic Preview’ by the very entertaining and informative MickyLive. If he is correct the voyage will be spectacular - beyond my wildest expectations.!!

A little retail therapy followed. There is too much emphasis on sales on board. We met a very nice assistant from Gorey, Wexford. She has been employed by Celebrity for the last five years. At 28, she volunteered, she  has travelled the world with the exception of Africa. One of the officers, she advised  is from Cork and his parents are also on board but as yet I haven’t heard the Cork accent. 

In the shop too was a lawyer from Texas, who collects legal memorabilia and had a museum attached to his law office and among the exhibits is a Queen’s Counsel’s wig!! 

Lunch at 13.00 in the Main Dining Room. It is also available at the Ocean Cafe - where food is available 24/7!! I like to share a table at lunch to meet my fellow passengers but at breakfast we prefer a table for 2! At lunch we were joined by two very pleasant couples  from South Carolina, who had recently visited Ireland. Prior to lunch, one gentleman asked if we’d mind thanking the Lord for his gifts? He then proceedsed to say Grace. They did not drink and it reminded us of our trip on Route 66. Travelling through the Southern Baptist States, many restaurants were ‘family restaurants’ ie no alcohol served.!!  After a day driving, one had to search out a glass of wine!  We discussed Brexit and Trump. They hadn’t voted for Trump but did acknowledge that he had turned the country away from its recent leftist leanings!!

At 14.30, we were back in the theatre for the last lecture of the day ‘Cape Horn and Famous Passages’. The lecture was interesting but the presentation left a little to be desired... I noticed some attendees nodding off!! 
Tonight is the Officers’ Soirée followed by dinner and then......

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