Sunday 17 February 2019

At Sea - Montevideo.

Another day at sea and a relaxing day by the pool with a little retail therapy to booth. Tomorrow morning we dock in Montevideo, Uruguay. 

According to the Lonely Planet Guide (published 2002) and used on our visit in 2003, Uruguay is a small rural country. Its capital is Montevideo. On our last visit to Argentina, we crossed the Rio de la Plata to Colon  but didn’t visit Montevideo, though it lies on the east bank of the Rio de la Plata (River of Silver) directly opposite Buenos Aires.  

South American countries have endured numerous recessions; on our previous visit Argentina had just emerged from a recession and it is the measure of the country’s economy that prices haven’t increase since 2003!! 

Montevideo was established in 1726 by the Spanish in response to Portugal’s growing influence in the area. Interestingly, most of the residents came from the Canary Islands. 

The point of interest is the Cuidad Vieja (Old Town), designed in a colonial grid pattern adjacent to the port , once surrounded by protective walls. My 2002 guide informs me (I sound like Michael Palin) that efforts are afoot to restore the Cuidad Vieja. We shall see? 

The country’s economic stagnation (in 2002, the date of the Guide’s publication, the US $1 = 14 pesos and today US $1=32 peso)  has resulted in modern Montevideo’ s buildings centred on Ave Independencia, sporting a worn out appearance and resembling utilitarian structures reminiscent of Communist Eastern Europe.  

I was awoken by the clanking of cranes - goods were being loaded on the the vessel. It takes a lot to feed 4,000 people and this voyage does not end in BA but continues to Rio for the Carnaval!! Then it finally returns to BA. I must admit that though I’d love to see Rio and the Carnaval, (very keen offers were available to continue the voyage to Rio), 14 nights was enough for me. I’m ready to go ashore tomorrow morning!! 

We crossed from the port to the Cuidad Vieja (Old Town) Here we discovered a Hop on/Hop off Bus. We decided to take it as the new part of town was some distance away and the temperature was in the late 20s. The only disadvantage was that if one alighted at a stop, the next bus was scheduled for 40/60 minutes. We thus stayed on board and the two hour trip took us through all parts of the city 

The Cuidad Vieja appeared to have improved but many of the beautiful 19th century buildings are somewhat delapidated. 

In fairness, to restore all these to their former glory would be beyond the country’s resources.

The market has been restored and now boasts fine restaurants serving Urugian beef and fine local wines. The market was buzzing. 

Traditional entertainers grace the streets of the old town. 

We passed the Neo classically designed Solis Theatre on one corner of Plaza Independencia, opened in 1856, closed for renovations which stalled because of US$38 million shortfall! It is now open.  

The newer part of the city is well planned with many parks adorning the area adorned with impressive sculptures. 

             Where the Papal Mass was held 

New shopping centres and international hotels are investing in the city and are located in the area around Plaza Independencia.

There is a marked difference between the wealthy suburbs and those less fortunate who live in Soviet type multi storey tower blocks.

In the 1930, an experimental garden village was built and today it is a haven for the middle classes. 

The bus drove past the legislature 

- a very impressive building and down to the beach where the locals were enjoying the Saturday afternoon sun 

and on to what we think was the railway station 

The bus returned us to the point of origin close by the port.  It was an excellent trip as it gave us a very good, overall impression of the city. 

Having alighted the bus, we went in search of the oldest cafe in Montevideo, opened in 1877.

It did not disappoint - very beautiful internally. 

We continued to Plaza Constitucion with the oldest church in Montevideo gracing one of its sides 



We returned yo the old city and boarded once again. We on our last leg back to BA as we wave Montevideo adios 

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