Thursday 7 February 2019

Buenos Aires - boarding Celebrity Eclipse

This morning we commenced with a healthier breakfast than had been on offer in Mar del Plata (Sea of Silver). On our return from the cruise, we have three days before we depart for home. On our last visit in 2003 (not 2006 as previously stated), we stayed at Claridges, a British style hotel which we really enjoyed, wspecially E and J. The Hotel served complimentary afternoon tea, which would vie in reputation with Claridges of London. However, reviews stated that it was a little ’tired’ so for our return visit to BA, we rebooked Tango del Mayo, a Hotel which deserves its 9 rating on the booking web sites. 

As boarding was at 14.00, we had the  morning to reacquaint ourselves with BA. The hotel is in an excellent location. Leaving the hotel, we walked to Casa Rosada, the President’s home. President Sarmiento commissioned the building during his term of office in the late 19th century. En route, we crossed Avenida de Julio 9 - the widest street I’ve ever seen. It consists of at least 16 lanes where is situated the famous white Obelisco, where local soccer fans celebrate victory. On our last visit here, our son was very anxious to attend a soccer match.

The Boca Juniors were playing. The hotel arranged the attendance. For their safety, father and son had to be brought to the stadium an hour before the match commenced and had to wait until the stadium cleared before they were released!! The tension, it appears, was enormous and water cannons lined the pitch lest some over anxious fan attempt to run the pitch!! 

We arrived at Casa Rosada 

The origin of the red colour of  Casa Rosada is in dispute - was it an attempt to unite the white Unitarians and the red Federalists by blending the colours or more likely was it painted in cow’s blood, a practice at that time?

From its balcony, Juan and Eva Peron and General Galtieri among others, convened the residents of BA to encourage support. Madonna, as Eva Peron in Evita, sang from this same balcony. 

We returned via Calle Roque Saenz Pena to Place de la Republica, 

the location of the Obelisco, walked up Ave de Julio 9 and turned into Ave Mayo, past our hotel to Palacio de Congreso, modeled on Washington’s Capitol, completed in 1906 at double the original estimate (where have we heard that before???) 

In the Plaza, in front of the Palacio is Monumento a Dos Congresos, honouring the two parliaments who achieved Argentinian Independence in 1810 and 1816. The white steps represent the high Andes and the fountain represents the Atlantic Ocean!! 

We returned to the hotel and took a taxi to the cruise terminal.  

We waited an hour to check in. Celebrity should streamline the procedure. Finally, we were checked in by a young girl who was also very complimentary about the Irish. She had visited Ireland with a friend two years ago and would love to work there! 

We sailed at 17.00. We were escorted out of the port 

past the busy wharves with their large containers stacked high, 

leaving the BA skyline behind. 

We went to our cabin. The bags taken from us on arrival were at the cabin door. After a safety drill, we adjourned to the informal Ocean Cafe for a late lunch. The format and ship’s layout is the same as on our previous Celebrity cruise. 

We returned to unpack. Prior to dinner, we had an aperitif to the music of a strings’orchestra. One is seated for dinner. One can choose a table for one’s self if desired. We decided to share. I was delighted with our table - two Aussies from Melbourne and a couple of Philippine origin from Chicago. We had a very enjoyable dinner. 

More tomorrow ...... 

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