Saturday 2 February 2019

Mar del Plata - Buenos Aires.

Last night we decided to eat locally and chose an Italian trattoria close by. A large proportion of the population is of Italian descent. It was quite full when we arrived at 20.30 (restaurants don’t open for dinner until 20.00). Reservations were being checked.??? Many were locals known to the staff. We were shown to a table and the waiter called the owner when we were selecting from the menu. 

The house speciality was pasta and boy was it good!! CC had an unusual pasta, one I’ve never seen before and it was the most delicious pasta I’ve ever tasted! I chose Ravioli which was also delicious. The portions here are of US standard and I couldn’t finish. A bottle  of recommended Malbec completed a fine meal. 

Our Fecha bus (there are numerous bus companies- we chose at random) departs at 14.30 from the train/bus station and we will arrive in BA at 19.45. The train trip was of equal duration. 

We set off to see the cathedral in Plaza Colon. 

It is of neo Gothic origin The spectacular tiles came from England and the chandelier from France.

As we entered, we noticed a mesh below the roof a mash to protect worshippers from falling pieces of masonry. In a country plagued by recessions, it is possibly beyond their resources to have it repaired. 

Plaza Colon was surrounded by stalls but many were unoccupied. 

and the Plaza also supported a rare old building Teatre Colon

From here we followed the pedestrianised San Martin to the sea and from there returned to our hotel, Hotel Sennac in Calle Rioja, a very convenient location adjacent to the city centre. 

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