Thursday 7 February 2019

To Buenos Aires - Buenos Aires - Celebrity Cruise

Chaos !! 

Chaos was the only word to describe the bus station at Mar Del Plata. 

The bus station was huge and the digital display didn’t reflect the reality of what was happening on the ground! There was no reference to our bus which was due to depart at 14.30. 14.30 passed and no mention of Flecha bus - we asked various people, who were very obliging but were as wise as we were! Finally, we were told that the bus was delayed - no mention on the screen!  It arrived at 15.10 and quickly departed for BA. I had thought we’d be hiring a car as we had to be in BA the next day to board ship!  

The bus was very comfortable. The seats were described as demi cama (semi bed) - a seat with support under one’s feet - one was almost perpendicular! We travelled through the countryside with estancias as far as the eye could see!  

Cattle and to a lesser extent sheep and horses abounded.

Above the  rail track to BA!!! For the most part, the road followed the track ! 

It was very arid as we quitted Mar Del Plata, but as we approached  BA it became less arid and the vegetation became lush. 

Five and a quarter hrs later, we arrived at the BA bus terminal, close to the port. It was a very scenic approach along the Rio del Plato

                   An extensive and busy port 

but as we approached the bus station, there was a favela - the living conditions of its inhabitants were unbelievable - a makeshift of unplanned dwellings. 

We taxied to Tango de Mayo hotel c15mins away. 

The receptionist was charm itself. She informed us that the Irish were her favourite guests (we are so laidback and polite, it appears!)  It is a boutique hotel, originally the Singer (of sewing machine fame) offices,  later a university and laterly a hotel with intermittent periods of abandonment. Luckily, all its features were in tact and it has been sensitively restored. We were upgraded us to a fabulous room. 

As we hadn’t eaten since breakfast, on enquiry, our receptionist suggested we dine at Chiquilin on Sarmiento, a 10 minute walk from the hotel. It was a local Parilla, buzzing with atmosphere on that Saturday evening. Interestingly, it was mentioned in the 2004 Guide Book we are using and it obviously hadn’t changed , just as the Guide described! 

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