Thursday 7 February 2019

At Sea 3

This morning I again awoke with the rising sun peeking through an aperture in the curtain.Today, we decided to have a ‘lie-in’ until 09.00. There is another seminar on penguins at 09.00 but we’ll skip that!! 

Going out on our veranda, one could see the ocean’s 
increasing swell and the drop in temperature. The sky is cloudy and the sun has retired! To date we had been wearing summer clothes but today is a day for the winter woolies!! 

After breakfast we adjourned to the Eclipse Theatre to hear MickyLive give a talk on our journey into Ushuaia (Deep Bay - Yaghan language). Historically,  Europeans’ only interest was not in the Fuegians but in finding a route to the spice islands in the East. Later Charles Darwin’s aim was to civilise the people- the ‘most abject and miserable creatures I ever saw’ (1834). 


The British missionaries arrived 1871 and the Fuegians died of European diseases - there is one full blooded Fuegian remaining and she speaks the language. 

The Argentinians wanted to take control so Argentinian teachers arrived. In 1881, a penal colony modelled on Port Arthur (Tasmania), was set up and in 1896 - a prison was constructed for Re-Offenders and political prisoners. The Gold Rush followed. 
It appears the weather will be 20C when we arrive in Ushuaia.!! Such are the vagaries of weather here.  We’re advised that it may be snowing as we enter the Southern  Ocean. We will sail up the Beagle Channel into Ushuaia, and will dock at 09.00. We will  join Mickylive at 05.00 to see dawn and sunrise  as we sail up the Channel. The ship will spend the day there and sail back out again at 21.00 into Antarctic waters.     

After lunch, we attended a concert by Synergy,  professionally trained twin violinists from Pennsylvania. It was spectacular. 

They started their career busking on the streets. This was their first concert on Celebrity. They are leaving the ship in Ushuaia but I forecast more engagements with Celebrity such was the enthususiastic response from the audience. 

Afternoon tea beckoned and so we engaged!! Later I walked Deck 14 to attempt to burn off the calories!!  It was very breezy and I was nearly elevated at the ship’s front. 

Others were relaxing in the Solarium

 I saw my first albatross, gracefully flying across the sky but unfortunately, I was unable to capture it on camera! 

A pre dinner concert by Daniel Bouchet, an Argentinian of French extraction was excellent. His method of guitar playing was amazing - the emanating sounds impressive. 

Dinner and early to bed. We’re to be up at 0430 to see the dawn and sunrise at 05.08 as we sail through the Beagle Channel to dock at Ushuaia. 


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