Wednesday 14 September 2016


Yesterday, we took the tube from Flatbush Ave. station to Fulton Street NYC, where we visited the 9/11 Memorial park. Last Sunday, commemorations were held throughout NYC, including at Breezy Point to commemorate those of Breezy Point who had lost their lives in the disaster. It is hard to believe that it is 15 years since the Twin Towers were struck by two aircraft, killing many. 

The park is a fitting memorial- an oasis in busy Manhattan.

Two fountains have the names of all those who died, inscribed on them. 

There is a museum, 

a shopping centre and 7 of 9 proposed towers have been built. 

Afterwards, we had a little retail therapy at Century 21, before we adjourned to Macy's on 34th Street to further punish the credit cards. At $1.10 to the €, the value that once was is no more!! 

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