Thursday 8 September 2016

En route

Last night before dinner, we were entertained by the Welcome Aboard Show  It was  a spectacular show 

The finale was an excellent rendition of the songs of Neil Diamond. 

The show concluded at 20.30 hrs and we adjourned to the Britannia for dinner. Shared tables are allocated for dinner but one may have a table to one's self, if one wishes. We sat at a table for 6 and guess what - all Irish - one couple from Rathfarnham and the other couple from the north. 

The food was superb - 5 courses - lots of choice - forgot the camera again - sorry! There is even a low carb menu and I think I'll be on it in a day or two - what with full breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner in addition to food being available at King's Court all day together with tasty bites at the Carinthia, it is food overload!  

After dinner, we went to the Jazz Club for a post prandial and repaired to our room. 

There are 21 restaurants, bars and lounges of various types, including one exclusively serving Veuve Clicquot Champagne, Churchill's Cigar Lounge (pipe and cigar smokers only),  the Commodore Club, a night club, a real English pud  The Golden Lion and Sir Samuels with speciality coffee and Godiva 

chocolates - to name but a few. It is cashless on board and every effort is made to relieve one of one's $!! It is our intention to visit each and every one before we disembark at NYC. 

        Position and weather a.m. 

This morning we breakfasted at the Britannia  

A very small portion of the Brittania - it can seat in excess of 1,100 guests. 

Afterwards, we attended a lecture on The Multicoloured Universe  given by Dr. Alan Wilkins, a research fellow at Cambridge. It was most interesting. It is one of a series so I should be well versed  on astronomy by the series' end. 

A few rounds of the deck clocked up 5k steps - the aim 10,000 before day's end.  With so much space and numerous activities available (each day we are presented with a four page schedule of events to suit every taste. - from golf, needlework and dancing to bridge classes, from fitness to film, fashion shows and much much more), one can never be bored.  One would not be aware that the ship is running on full capacity with 2,700 guests in addition to the 1,200 crew as the ship Is so large and the diversity of entertainment so great. 

Lunch 1200 - 1330 - whereupon we are reminded not to forget afternoon tea at 15.30hrs. (I'll have to skip it - I'm fooded out at present) We shared a table with three Americans - one lady had sailed  from NYC to Hamburg, then up the Norwegian fjords and is now returning to NYC and thence to her home in Dallas, Texas. The first couple were from the USA but have lived in Britain for the last twenty years - he is a musician. The other couple were from Frankfurt. He is in the horse events business and was going to lecture in NYC, Boston and Chicago. 

Lunch over, it was time for a classical concert in the Royal Court Theatre , 

with classical pianist Hiroaki Takenouchi. It was a brilliant concert - what sound he could extract from the piano! 

Our next instructive lesson was on how to become a Forensic Scientist in two easy steps at the Illuminations Theatre.   

It was excellent. I had to quit early  in favour of seeing pink- haired Fashion designer Dame Zandra Rhodes CBE. However, when I arrived there was queue and a lady emerging from the crowd said she wasn't showing any fashion - merely conversing with people, so I left and repaired to the Queen's Room for afternoon tea with the Sunset String Quartet. I know I said I wouldn't but the cakes were too tempting. and there's Black tie dinner at 2030 hrs tonight. It's a tough life! 

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