Wednesday 21 September 2016

En route home

Last night we returned to Old Town Alexandria to eat. We again had an aperatif at an Irish pub, Murphys - one of the many Irish pubs in the area and each has at least one home - grown Irish barman. 

The young girl seated beside me struck up a conversation. She told me she was 22 and was in Alexandria to house sit her sister's dog. Her sister worked for the Federal Government. Her sister had spent 5 years in college and as a result had debts that she'll be paying back until she retires!! 

She was from New Hampshire and she informed  me that it had the worst heroin problem in the country. She asked me if we had many homeless people in Ireland? We also discussed marriage, divorce and children She told me that some of her friends of similar age were divorcing . She was eminently sensible! 

She then asked if we had been to a Speak- Easy? I thought they had gone out with the abolition of Prohibition. It appears they still exist - one in Alexandria appears to be a shop but when one gives the code, (which you can get on the internet, where they advertise). a door in the wall opens to reveal a small bar. In line with tradition, people speak quietly and no mobile phones are allowed. The drinks are very expensive but worth the experience, she suggested. It was a pity it was our last evening, I would have loved the experience !! 

We are at an Italian restaurant - the good and wine were fantastic, at a standard I've not seen in Ireland. 

We boarded the trolley and returned to base. 

This morning, having checked out, we adjourned to a nearby Outlet but we didn't do much damage to the credit cards!! We then paid our final visit to Old Town Alexandria for lunch. I did promise you a photograph of the city in daylight.   

We again chose an Italian restaurant. The restaurant's building had a checkered history. It was a shop, an artist's studio, a Speak-Easy and a Nazi communications centre during WW11 posing as a 'Fix It' shop!! The food was again delicious. 

Our last trolley ride to the Metro and back to collect our bags. In Royal fashion we are travelling separately, so while I made my way by 5A bus from Rosslyn Metro Station to Dulles airport, CC took a Metro to Union and then by Amtrak to Baltimore airport. He travels with Whoh via  Rhykevik to Dublin, I fly via London with Virgin Atlantic and on to Dublin with Aer Lingus! 

On board now, as I end this blog, we're being advised by the Captain that we'll leave on time and arrive early after 5 hours 35 minutes into London. The flight is only about half full - 162 passengers and I have a row of seats to myself! 

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