Tuesday 20 September 2016


Last night we went to nearby Alexandria. It is by the Potomac river but as it was dark when we arrived, I cannot vouch for the view. However, on Wednesday the evening of our departure, we intend to lunch there so I promise a photograph of the view then. 

Alexandria is the oldest historic part of Washington DC. It was the boyhood home of Robert E Lee. It was laid out in a grid pattern in 1749 but its origins date back to prehistoric times. The Main Street is King St.- a free trolley bus connects the Metro station with the Marina at the other end of King St. The Metro link to downtown Washington was established in 1983 and this led to the gentrification of the area. The historic houses now contain art galleries, shops and restaurants.  It has one of the oldest markets in the US and once had the second largest slave market in the country. 

We had an aperatif at Daniel O' Connell's    Irish pub. Again we met an Irish bartender from Blanchestown. He was scating  on Dublin's performance in the All Ireland final. 

We adjourned to the The Fish Market for dinner of Prawns and a Fish plate selection, coupled with a bottle of Californian Chardonnay. 

We then took the trolley bus back to Kings Street station, where  we boarded the yellow line for the one stop to Eisenhower Drive, where the Holiday Inn is located.  En route, we were asked where we were from? Our two Firemen were from South Carolina were most impressed. It was 'awesome' to meet Irish people. They were avid golfers, so I suggested they visit Ireland and as they like Guinness , I suggested they drink some made from the Liffey waters!! 

More tomorrow ....,   

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