Tuesday 13 September 2016

Long Island and Breezy Point

Arrived at Long Island. It was very hot and humid - unusual for this time of year. 

On Friday a.m. we departed for Breezy Point, a holiday resort about 40 minutes from Flloral Park, Long Island. It was still hot and humid even though we were near the 'ocean' as the Americans call it. 

On Saturday, the humidity dropped , which was a relief.  We went to the beach but after about 2 hours the weather changed, the sky darkened and we were forced to vacate the beach as the wind from the sea blew sand in our faces. I went for a swim but the sea was very rough - the remnants iof Herman!.   

You may have heard of Breezy Point - in November three years ago, it suffered catastrophic damage as a result of Hurricane Sandy. Fires broke out and there was serious flooding - you might remember seeing it on your TV screens? Many of the summer bungalows were raised to the ground and people had to take shelter in makeshift accommodation. Most of the properties have since been rebuilt again. 

The above street is very Irish - generations of Irish have holidayed here  - I met the O'Meara's, O'Leary's, the  Lynches and the Quinns, who have holiday homes on this street. 

Tomorrow, we return to Long Island via NYC for a spot of retail therapy! On Tuesday, we're going to Montauk at the extreme tip of Long Island from thence  to NYC and on to Washington DC, from where, after a couple of days sightseeing, we return home.   

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