Sunday 18 September 2016

NYC - Washington DC

Last night we went to a Chinese restaurant nearby to celebrate CC's birthday. It came highly recommended by a Chinese girl and it didn't disappoint. 

Prior to dinner, we went for an aperatif to Foleys, an Irish pub with a baseball theme!! There we met an Irish bartender from Co. Down. 

This morning, we wake to discover that a pressure cooker bomb had detonated in Chelsea, not 10 blocks from our hotel. Thankfully, there were no fatalities but 29 people were injured. 

We breakfasted at Andrews, a real American diner - so difficult to find in the US today. I cannot abide the polystyrene plates and cups that replaced the good old fashioned diner. We went to Macy's to collect our purchases and check out any other bargains. Afterwards we repaired back to the said diner-I had to have a piece of NY cheesecake before I left NYC. 

Train anoraks be warned that a senior ticket from NYC to Washington DC cost $149.00 for a 3 and 1/2 hour one way journey. Iarnrod  Eireann appear inexpensive by these standards! 

The train was 30 minutes late - not unusual by American rail standards! When I came here as a student in the 1970s, we were advised not to take a train as they frequently broke down! The oil crisis resulted in investment being put into the railways so the service has improved. 

As we boarded train 613, no seats appeared to be available - even at this price! We left our luggage in the first carriage and walked about 10 carriages to find seats but not two together. 

I sat beside an elderly lady from Baltimore. She had been to NYC to see her grand daughter, who was visiting from Israel. Though she visits Israel twice a year, she told me she was broken hearted when her daughter departed for Israel in 1976. Her other two daughters live in NYC. 

She was a very interesting lady, who had seen the world on cruise ships, while teaching Bridge aboard. Bridge buddies take note: she gave me some  good tips!! 

We discussed American politics. She is neither a supporter of Trump or Clinton but feels she must vote for Clinton to keep Trump out. Interesting!

We arrived at NYC about 15 minutes late. We had made up some time. A half an hour later we had checked in at the Holiday Inn on Eisenhower Drive.  It is outside Washington but reasonably priced at €200 per night and the Metro line to the city was 300 yards away. There was a free shuttle bus from hotel to Metro - the Americans don't walk! The hotels in W ran from €500 per night upwards! 

More to-morrow!

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