Thursday 8 September 2016

Nearing our destination....

This morning the swell has eased, the ship had increased speed and we're travelling faster. Our destination looms!  

     Breakfast in bed - what a treat!

After breakfast, I attended an interview with Dame Sandra Rhodes. She gave a most interesting account of her career path. She was very honest and appeared  to be eminently down to earth - not what one  would expect of a dress designer. 

Lunch followed. Again we shared a table with some interesting people, including the twin sisters , celebrating  their 70th birthday, one in the 'rag trade' whom we met the other day, (They informed us that they had met another Irish couple - two more accounted for! Where are the other 19?), and we were also joined by two men from California. They both loved Europe and were members of the National Trust! We had great fun discussing the vagaries of the English language as spoken by the English as opposed to the Americans. The two Scottish ladies were plying them with Scottish sayings as they were collecting 'turns of phrase'. I had to leave hurriedly as I was informed that tickets for Zandra's  fashion show were outside my cabin. I had told the American gentleman beside me that I hated when the Americans say 'have a nice day' and as I left he laughingly said just that! 

I was late but I managed to gain entrance but didn't get a great seat. The show began. It was spectacular. Here are a selection of the outfits: 

I had to edit the photographs as a man's head adorned most of them!!

Zandra Rhodes is tiny: 

    Zandra in the company of her     
I went to look for CC.  I had left in such a hurry to get my fashion show tickets that I didn't arrange where to meet and try as I might I could not  find him!! I tried our stateroom (you see I'm learning!) the library, the sun deck, the Queen's Room, where afternoon tea is served - but to no avail. It is impossible to find anyone on this ship!! 

At afternoon tea, I was seated next to a woman. I usually choose to share as it's interesting to meet diverse people. I could not distinguish where she was from? Eventually she told me that she lived in Berlin, was now going to her home in Nebraska yet she is Russian and visits the latter three times a year!! She was an advocate for the Communist system - life was much better then, Stalin had to impose order as he was fighting a war and the cities of the Soviet Union  have disimproved since the fall of Communism. She is a staunch supporter of Mr Putin. I couldn't resist asking her if it were true that all of Russia's resources were in the hands of Putin's friends? She denied it, said it was untrue!! She left at that point - so I had no time to ask her about her background? She knows Ireland well.  Her husband loves Ireland and the Irish. I wonder what her story is? 

I am here in the Pavilion indoor pool. I have enjoyed a swim and a jacuzzi. 

I saw a few hardy souls in the outside pools earlier today: 

but by the time I found time for a swim and sauna, it was too nippy to venture out. I had better return to base now - tonight has a 'Roaring Twenties' theme, so I must get dressed. 

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