Tuesday 27 December 2016

Dublin - Amsterdam - Guangzhou - Auckland

What a trip  11,500 miles - we left Dublin on  the 0650 flight on Tuesday December 27th and arrived Auckland on Thursday December 29th at 0730!!

We arrived at Schipol (Amsterdam) on the 0650 flight from Dublin - a flight of 1 and a quarter hours. The sky at sunrise was a burst of vibrant reds and yellows- more reminiscent of sunset rather than sunrise !! 

We now awaited confirmation of a seat to Guangzhou. We flew out at 1230, an eleven and a half hour flight and arrived in Guangzhou at 0730. (Wednesday). We departed Guangzhou again at 14.30 and arrived in Auckland at 0730 (Thursday) adding 13 hours to my life. What a journey- not to be taken lightly!! 

            Auckland Airport and 787

Today, we visited the tourist office and can confirm that the Kiwis continue to live  up to their excellent reputation in tourist services - by the time we left, we had booked plane, train, bus, ferry and car - all our travel arrangements in place - more anon!! 

Auckland is a city of contrasts - on the one hand are the old buildings appearing as if they need some TLC 

                 The Civic Theatre

           The Ferry Terminal Building 

      Former GPO now Railway Station

and on the other the ultra modern buildings that make up the new city, appearing lto mirror a mini Manhattan, along its harbour. 

     Queen's Street - main thoroughfare 

The city skies are dotted with cranes, the price of houses is rapidly increasing and there is a shortage of construction workers - where did we hear that before? 

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