Friday 12 September 2014


We awoke this morning to bright sunshine after the miserable wet evening before. 

We set out for the old part of Verona. We first visited Piazza Bra, where we came upon a group of soldiers practising for a ceremony on Monday. 

John spoke to the major in charge, who told him that he had learned his English in Dublin 12 years ago.

While queueing for entrance tickets to the Arena , we were given tickets to a free concert in the Arena tonight. John was relieved to hear it was a concert featuring music from the cinema as he is not an opera fan. The Arena is spectacular and I am looking forward to tonight's concert. 

We proceeded to Casa di Giullietta and saw the famous balcony. It certainly looked better in the sunshine.

From there we went to Piazza Erbe, 

where we came across a wedding party. One of the Australian guests introduced us to the groom, a captain in the Italian  airforce;  born in Australia of Italian parents. They had been friends since childhood. He also introduced us to the best man; another Italian airforce officer and to a Swedish airforce pilot both Aussies born of Italian and Swedish parents respectively. The couple had married in a small church off the Piazza and were having a pre- reception in the sunny piazza, before departing for the reception

Later, we found a little restaurant for lunch just off the Piazza. It was delicious as the photo illustrates.

We continued to Torre del Lamberti and thence to the oldest street in Verona Via PTA Borsari

thence to Complesso del Duomo 

which was a spectacular church with an even more spectacular history We saw Teatro Romano on the hillside We didn't make it there, though it would have  afforded a beautiful view of the city.

Verona is a magnificent city - it is my first visit and I am overwhelmed. It has exceeded expectations . I'll be back for the opera. I encourage anyone follower who hasn't been here to visit.

1 comment:

  1. Mary, I have never been to Verona but after reading your wonderful account I will definitely put it on my bucket list.
