Wednesday 24 September 2014

Addendum - Izmir and Ephesus

Cold TURKEY ???

I had not intended to do another blog but the last two days were interesting..

We continued to Izmir as there is a direct flight to Dublin. 

We left Istanbul and took a ferry across the Sea of Marmar to Bandirma, where we  overnighted. Next morning we departed on the 0700 train to Izmir. As we had bussed it to Istanbul because of track works, this was our first experience of Turkish trains , which were excellent; very modern with digital displays of stations in many.

Arriving in Ismeer, a taxi took us to our hotel,  which we had only booked online the day before. It was an excellent hotel, the Metz boutique and very convenient to      the station for Ephesus and the airport, though we  had  arrived at another station just a short taxi ride from the hotel.

According to the archaeological finds, Izmir was first mentioned 3000BC . Heredos described it 'as a city under the most sublime blue sky and on the remarkable  climate' . 

Homer was born here. The Iliad and the Odyssey epics were written by Homer about the city and its surroundings.

We arrived around 1400 and set off for the promenade - about 15 minutes walk from the hotel

It was a fantastic vista as we lunched, looking out on the Aegean Sea.  The only problem was that we had to try a few restaurants before we found one serving alcohol. This city appears to be similar to the Baptist belt we visited in the deep American South when we drove Route 66, 3 years ago. 

After lunch, we walked along the promenade. 

It was certainly not ' fuair' - the temperature was in the 30s - hotter than any place to date. 

We visited the square, where the local mosque was calling the faithful to prayer.

Later that evening, we repaired to the waterfront to have dinner. We chose a restaurant that had won numerous awards for authentic local food. It had hosted such guests a Warren Beatty, Chelsea Clinton and numerous Hollywood stars. 

The following morning, having had one of the top two breakfasts of our trip ( the other was in Cuneo, however,  we hadn't time to enjoy it as we had to make an early train), we set off for Ephesus,

Suffice it to say that relying  on train anoracks is not always a bright idea.  
The train was departing Selcuk, our intended stop, when a passenger, seeing our distress, had  the train stopped and we jumped off.!  The train had left the platform..... I doubt Irish Rail would do same ?

Interestingly, The Virgin Mary is reputed to have spent her final days in the company of John the apostle at Selcuk. John is reputed to have written some  of his Gospel here. 

We then took the 5 minute ride to Ephesus. On arrival, we were met by an awesome sight! It was utterly stunning!  The following is just a small flavour of what awaits you on your trip to Ephesus. 

It has Greek, Roman and Christian associations. A church was erected  in the Virgin Mary at Ephesus.

We continued  to the Theatre which must have seated 10s of 1000s

And thence to:

Izmir is a growing port for cruisers so it is difficult to avoid them at Ephesus. In addition, it is close to the airport, so a lengthy stopover  enables a trip to Epheus. 

A Mosaic: 

A street:

Umbrellas are useful - kept off the rain in the Arena at Verona and the sun at Ephesus. It was 32degrees in the shade at Selcuk station - it must have been 40 + at Ephesus.

Departed Izmir on 41/2 hr direct flight to Dublin. 


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