Tuesday 9 September 2014

Monday Paris to Cannes /Juan les Pins

TGV very enjoyable Purchased lunch at boulangerie -usual excellent French presentation Didn't realise that when I purchased the salad, it included bread and cutlery til I opened it on the train Arrived Cannes at 1755 Boarded local train for Juan Les Pain. A  couple of French teenagers initially refused to take their feet off the seats to let us sit down, much to the annoyance of the other passengers, so as I left the train, tired  after the long trip, I remarked to the girl, the main offender, that it was people like her who gave the French the reputation of being rude. I'm definitely getting cranky in my old age! 
Had a very enjoyable dinner catching up with our friends 
Jane tells me that one  would never believe that I was once an English teacher - the absence of punctuation, capital letters and misspelling appals her - but you all understand, don't you????
Left from Gare du Lyons Paris at 1250 

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