Wednesday 10 September 2014

Juan Les Pins

Yesterday, we had a quiet day with our friends After lunch, John and I went down to town and strolled along the Med Our hosts' hospitality knew no bounds including washing, drying and ironing our clothes while we were out!! Thanks again Dick and Saundra. 

This afternoon we left Juan les Pins for Nice Ville,


Then changed trains for Breil sur Roya

We have a three hour wait here for a train to Cuneo via Tendee and then we cross into Italy and arrive tonight at Cuneo at 21.10

Get out your atlas but I've included a map below for the less enthusiastic followers!!! 

 John has gone to check out the railway museum !

We hadn't seen rain since we left Dublin and the weather has been in the late 20s; higher than I had expected. My wardrobe,  such as it, is hand baggage, and is more suited to cooler temperatures. I dare not buy anything as the SNCF ( the French Railway for the uninitiated), do not believe in providing either lifts or escalators in the majority of stations but lots and lots of steps!!  

Oh I almost forgot, do you remember the other day when I vented my spleen on a young couple who were reluctant to take their feet and bags off seats to enable us to sit down ? Well today as I boarded the train at Juan les Pins, a young man jumped from his seat to allow me to sit down thus the repairing my opinion of his generation 

I'll update you later when I arrive at Cuneo

Left Breil sur Roya - spectacular scenery when not in the many tunnels 


It is a pity that the mobile cameras can't do justice to the spectacular scenery.

Arrived in Cuneo just a couple of minutes late The train was only doing 35/45 km p/h because of the steepness of the gradient.

Cuneo is much larger than I had expected. It is a beautiful city with spectacular buildings and now that we're in Italy, what a change of culture. 

Arrived at hotel on the massive piazza It is beautiful, an old, typically Italian palazzo.  Off to Verona tomorrow via Turin

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