Sunday 24 April 2022

Final Days

Today, Sunday, we visited 

We had intended to take a guided tour of the Loxahatchee River. We called to book but inexplicably you can’t book. You must turn up in person!! On arrival, we checked if there was availability but no.  It was explained that booking could cause problems if people booked and didn’t show while  prospective customers were on site!! I could have provided a solution but I held my tongue! 

Having failed to partake of the Loxahatchee  River Cruise, we adjourned to the Interpretive Centre 

The park was named after Jonathan Dickinson who was driven ashore by a storm while saying from
Jamaica to Philadelphia in 1696. 

The railway arrived and the area developed 

During WW11, the US Army opened a secret radar training station here and after the war the area was transferred to the state of Florida for use as a national park, which opened in 1950. 

The 50% of the  area is composed of wet flat woods

8% by Wet Prairie 

20% by scrubland 

and the remainder was not accounted for! 

A twenty minute video gave us a graphic account of what we had missed on tour but as we had boated through the Everglades on previous trips, I think the experience would have been similar. 

Jonathon Dickinson  State Park is one of  many Florida national parks. 

Tomorrow, we return via Paris to Dublin - a lovely  break with warm weather that nourished the soul after the long winter. 

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