Wednesday 20 April 2022


What a whirlwind - Thursday, Connemara, back Sunday and on Monday at 06:00, the taxi collected us to go to the airport for an Air France flight via Paris to Miami!! 

Both flights left on time and were practically full. We arrived in Miami airport safely. The queue for Emigration was enormous - few officers on duty but surprisingly, we made it through in 35 minutes. The Emigration Officer,  on seeing our passports,  said ‘Irish’, asked us how long we were staying and nodded to the camera - no finger prints etc - the fastest I’ve ever passed through US Emigration 

We made the our way to the Trirail within the terminal. It was quite a walk but we were glad to be on the move 
after the 9 hour flight from Paris - Miami. We just made the 08:40 train to Fort Lauderdale - after some battle with the ticket machine, a 45 minute ride!! J picked us up there. 

Yesterday, we hired a car and drove to Vero beach about 2 hours from Fort Lauderdale. We drove on the I 95 for most of the journey until we reached the outskirts of the town.  Checking the internet, we had found the old worldly Sea Turtle Inn only 250m from beach. 

It appeared to have a lot of character and the reviews were reasonably good. 

On arrival we were allotted Room 13 - unlucky for some and definitely for us!  We were bitterly disappointed!! An attempt to disguise the apartment’s musty smell with air freshener made the matter worse ( not good for asthmatics), the couch was damaged and the place was dusty. It was dated and needed some TLC! 

On our way to lunch, the office was closed. We ate an indifferent lunch at Mulligans on the beach. It is difficult to get healthy food in this country - deep fried offerings appear to dominate the menu. 

We drove to Publix’s - a supermarket on the land side of the bridge and stocked up on some food as we have a kitchen here though the cooker is reminiscent of the 1950s! I was surprised to find plastic bags there for the taking - no plastic levy here! 

On our return, the office was open, so I made my complaint. The gentleman in charge said we could take either no. 11 or 12. We asked to see both but couldn’t open no 12. We had difficulty opening all doors but no 12 refused to open so we returned to the office and said we’d take 11, much brighter and a vast improvement on 13 but still needed some TLC 

We went to the Ocean Grill - across from Mulligans (it was late when we lunched and the Ocean Grill was closed). Now open for dinner, it was teeming with well dressed women (I was not suitably attired) and beautifully appointed. 

It had been an officer’s mess when the army were stationed here during WWII.  We were informed that there was an hour’s wait for a table (booking for parties of 5 or more only) but we could eat from a reduced menu at one section. We accepted the latter suggestion. I can see the restaurant’s rationale for the limited booking policy - copious cocktails were being drunk as the patrons awaited a table!  I can never understand why Americans drink cocktails with their food - we were the only ones with a bottle of wine.  The meal was good so we hope to get a table in the main restaurant tonight unless we find anything better on our wanderings today. 

We retired early - though I don’t feel the usual jet lag, I’m tired early.   

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