Wednesday 20 April 2022

Vero Beach Day 2

This morning, we lounged by the pool. The weather is in the late 20s but there is a breeze which makes the temperature very tolerable. There are clouds in the sky and  a shower is forecast (not more rain) but it thankfully didn’t arrive! 

In the afternoon, we had a long walk on the beach. There are hotels dotted along the beach but with the exception of two high rise buildings, the remainder are low rise. 

The Atlantic was at its most powerful, with mighty waves breaking on the beach. A surfers’ paradise but there was none to behold! The red flag was up, yet a few foolhardy souls braved the breakers 

There was an interesting apartment development on the beach derived from driftwood. 

Climbing up from the beach, we went to the Ocean Restaurant to see if we could book a table in the restaurant for tonight - I know we were told last night that only parties of five plus could book! I took my chance found the MaĆ®tre D’ - a lady who enquired  when we would like to eat, having heard my Irish accent , asked me my name and to let her know when we arrived!! The luck of the Irish!  

Back on the street again, I walked down Ocean Drive, the road paralleling the coast, where up market shops selling beachwear, souvenirs  and restaurants abound. Sotheby’s are here so there must be money in the area ! 

I returned to the hotel. I must get dressed for dinner tonight!! 

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