Friday 22 April 2022

Day 3 Vero Beach

Last night we went up the Ocean Grill Restaurant. 

We ordered a drink at the bar - a beer for CC and a house Margarita for moi. On arrival, we had checked in with the Maître D’. As promised, she had us seated within 10 minutes. 

The menu had an emphasis on fish but meat and poultry were also included. We chose to share a starter of Crab Dip. We were glad that we had decided to share as the portion was huge but really delicious. It was served with raw vegetables which complimented the richness of the crab.  

We followed with a crab cake (half portion) for CC 

and a Coquilles St Jacques for moi 

With this came a substantial salad for each of us 

with a choice of dressing and bread warm from the oven. 

We finished in Florida style with a shared Key lime pie 

It was an excellent meal. 

Today, we went to visit the Railway Museum but unfortunately it was closed due to Covid! 

This amused me as there is hardly a person wearing s mask to be seen since our arrival. On the Trirail from the airport, we fell into conversation with a lady, just returned from a holiday in Italy. She informed us that as the Governor was a Republican, mask wearing was never compulsory! However, federal law had required that masks be worn in their properties. However, a recent lower court decision says that masks can be dispensed with everywhere even on planes!! I’m glad we’re travelling with Air France! This decision is to be appealed to a higher court but as of now - no masks! I wear mine in shops etc and I’m looked at as if I was a freak !! 

After a spot of shopping for dinner, we returned to the apartment. We sat by the pool and I had a swim. As the  sun was hidden by cloud, the water was not warm but very refreshing! 

Dinner was large prawns followed by a salmon burger all washed down with a Californian Chardonnay. 

It’s been a very relaxing few days - nice warm temperatures modified by a wind 

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