Thursday 5 January 2017

Franz Josef - Wanaka

We soared above the glaciers - Franz Josef and Fox. It was spectacular scenery. We landed on the virgin snow it was indeed an experience not to be missed.

To see one's footsteps imprinted on the as yet untrodden snow was a humbling experience - footsteps that made little impact on the vast terrain unfolding before us. 

It was a beautifu morning - summer had again arrived if as advised briefly. The sun shone and the wind was no more! Yes, we were helicoptering over both glaciers. It was my first time in a helicopter and I thoroughly enjoyed it. The views were stunning as we flew down the Franz Josef glacial valley 

then flying close to the cliff face, we crossed to Fox Glacier 

and then high above the valleys the vast countryside opened up beneath us   - stupendous!! 

Yesterday as we drove from Greymouth to Franz Josef, we traversed the mountaineous route, intersperse briefly by views of the Tasman Sea. Thunder showers accompanied us as we dove.   It was a very scenic drive through the tree canopied mountain, through the Alps. For the mountains were formed at the same period as the European Alps - hence the name. 

We arrived at Franz Josef at 17.00 and luckily found accommodation at an excellent Motel The Alpine Glacier in the middle of town (NZ$175)  

After we alighted from the helicopters, We quitter Franz Josef and traversed the Alps to Wanaka. The sun shone high on the sky and the scenery was spectacular! Densely canopied roads were interjected by vast lakes with their petrol blue waters. The colour is, as I understand it the result of their glacial origins - but you geographers would understand that!. 

Lake Bruce 

was the first lake we encountered , prior to climbing the Haast Pass , through Mt Aspiring National Park - a very steep climb. We then descended in to the coastal plain once again and were met by numerous spectacular waterfalls to our left and the sea to our right. 

The road was very quiet -little traffic considering it is summer holiday s. At the Blue Pool 

we evountered a significant number of tourists. , elsewhere we had the stunning scenery to ourselves. The road from St Josef was quiet and the countryside devoid of habitation. One could travel for miles without seeing any form of habitation such was the inhospitabilty of the environment- only trees could survive here. 

A 1.5 km walk to the pool through a forest path 

and a sky bridge 

that traversed the river, took us to the pool. Two rivers meet here   The bridge over the river acted as a magnet for young people to jump from into the pool below. I thought it dangerous as I could see rocks in the pool below. However Kiwis are made of stronger stuff , it appears, as parents , cameras at the ready, evouaged their off springs to jump from the bridge!!!

Deep, vast lakes backed by snow capped mountains accompanied us as we journeyed on. 

 A we neared Lake  Hawea, 

our journey was approaching its end and the final vista was the site of Lake Wanaka around which the town of Wanaka, is built

The quest for accommodation in Waneka - read tomorrow.....

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