Saturday 14 January 2017

Auckland- Guangzhou - Amsterdam- Dublin.

Arrived at 0430 an hour early , having lost 5 hours!! China Southern gave us a complimentary hotel room for the day, including breakfast and transport to and from the airport. 

Guangzhou continues to prosper if the volume construction is any measure of prosperity. The size of Guangzhou is staggering and if I recall it is only the fifth largest city in China .

Note the tower blocks in the distance 

 It was only 12 degrees when we arrived but summer temperatures reach into the 40s J advised and it is very humid to add to the discomfort. 

We depart Guangzhou at 0005 hrs Sunday , arrive Sunday in Amsterdam at 0505 and will overnight there and return to Dublin on Monday. 

The plan that I drafted on that first morning in Auckland- jet lagged but  awaiting a room to become available - worked out a treat in no small thanks to Isite who were able to book bus, ferry , train, car and plane with the utmost efficiency. I can't recommend them highly enough. Tours are very expensive so I'd definitely advise drawing up one's own itinerary.  

As the sign says'New Zealand Roads are Different ' and so they are . With the exception of a few kms around the main cities, NZ roads are 2 lane with a passing lane every 2-5 km. They are well surfaced and even the minor roads are excellent. The maximum speed is 100km with 70 to 50 in the towns and cities. Don't break the speed limit, particularly in the 50 km zone as we frequently saw police cars checking inside the 50 km limit. The fine is on the spot and though it begins at €30, it increases rapidly in relation to the speed excess! 

The maps give estimated time limits and although these are generous, one has to take into consideration that one's journey may involve many steep climbs in addition to the 50 km limit as one travels through the towns. 

Keep in mind that the cost of living is high  - accommodation, meals and transport are substantially greater than Ireland's. Wine for example though produced in the country is as expensive and more than Ireland - in pubs basic bottle of wine was $ 40-60 and a pint of beer was upwards of $12! All tourists we met agreed - the Americans, the Aussies and the British were confounded by the prices considering that NZ is an agricultural country, though tourism has recently overtaken agriculture as the leading industry. !!! Travelling the country , we found little evidence of the presence of multinationals or shops sporting designer label goods. 

The Kiwis are a wonderful people so generous and helpful We had a very enjoyable if action packed holiday. - but we did really get to the essence of what is New Zealand. 

We departed Guangzhou a 0005 this morning and arrived in Amsterdam at 0510 an eleven and a half hour journey with a gain of seven  hours!! We're now at the Hotel Luxer, ( on the edge of the Red Light District !!) a 5 minute walk from the station awaiting a room to become available. Amsterdam Centraal Station looked resplendent still on its Christmas cheer.!!  

Until the next trip.......

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