Friday 6 January 2017

Wanaka - Te Anura

Last night on arrival in Waneka we decided to go to I-site to check on accommodation. The I-site is the Tousist Board of NZ.  It is highly efficient and can do all one's bookings. 

The girl advised that there was unlikely to be any accommodation within a 60   Km radius but she would try.

She secures a B/B outside the town and gave us directions. After much ado we found the place only to be told that she was full but to come and meet her friend, who lived in the town and would take us. We had no option   We followed to our new abode which happened to be located in a very a salubrious part of Waneka. 

Her husband a retire farmer poured us a beer and we chatted. I asked how it was that there were so many cattle and sheep in a single field   He explained that the grass which is grown under irrigation, is not very tough and the roots can easily be remove by prolonged grazing. As a consequence the cattle are left briefly on the field to eat the grass quickly hence the high density, and then fed on fodder. Interesting! 

I thought I might lose CC Ito Dorothy !! As we were leaving to dine in the town, she was perfuse in her admiration for CC's pink jumper and had noticed that he had been wearing a navy one earlier!!!! She also noticed that both had the Gant logon and asked about the brand. It appears it's not available in NZ!! However , on my opinion he elected to take the better option!!

His wife was glad to now be living in the city. She was not originally from the city, she informed us but from the high country. He now tended a prize winning garden and opened it to the public at intervals. She treated us to all her homemade preserves at breakfast in addition to her homemade muesli. With much hugs we left Ian and Dorothy and heade for Te Anau. 

It was another glorious day. We were to make our first stop in Queenstown the largest city and centre of the tourism in this area. We are warned not to stay there as it is ferociously expensive. 

As we left Wanaka, we traveled the Otago Peninsula the centre of the wine industry in this part of NZ Winery after winery beakoned  us to taste its wares. We visited one and discovered how high prices were. It must be highly taxed although they do make excellent Pinot Noirs. 

We visited s fruit farm 

where the quality of the tfruit was amazing and had cherries whipped into our ice cream in our presence.

 On we went through narrow gorges and wide plains , eventually arrivIng at Te Anau, where we had booked accommodation for the next two nights. Tomorrow we intend to lmake the 240 mile return journey to Milford Sound, take s cruise down the fjord to the Tasman sea   ........

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