Monday 18 October 2021


Last evening, we arrived at the K hotel on the outskirts of Strasbourg, an ideal location if one is driving. There is a tram, a 10 minute walk away which brings one to the city centre. Across the street was a very good restaurant, where we dined that evening. 

Next day we set out to for Strasbourg. Crossing the vast Keber Square, we arrived at Strasbourg cathedral - so large it was difficult to photograph. 

It is more impressive than Nôtre Dame in Paris 
The interior is magnificent 

In the cathedral is  the famous clock, built by a group of scientists and mathematicians. This is the third clock on site - first built in 14th century, followed by another in the 16th and the present clock  constructed in 1843, when Strasbourg was a free imperial city of the Holy Roman Empire. At solar noon, Christ and his apostles appear and a cock cries thrice. Unfortunately, though I was in the cathedral just prior to noon, we are all evacuated to make way for the queue outside who had booked to see the event!! 

We continued to the river and had a very pleasant  walk along its banks of the Ill. Here too one could take a boat trip

and wait at the locks 

for the water to level off. 

We arrived at Petit France once the centre of the tanning industry because of its location by the river. 

We lunched by the river, idyllic in the warm afternoon sunshine. 

We visited the nearby 

We took a tram to Neustadt, an area recreated after WW11’s destruction of the area. It now exhibits fine buildings built around a park 

We ate a traditional dinner at a street off  the cathedral platz, 

in the shadow of the cathedral bathed in evening light 


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