Friday 29 October 2021

Inca to Alcudia

The island is only 100km by 70km and Inca is situated in the middle of the island, a mere 29 minute drive north to Alcúdia and a similar distance south to the capital, Palma. 

We arrived in Alcúdia, a Roman Town. On arrival, we had no idea of the location of the hotel as it was within the medieval walls and we had to park outside. We parked and walked through one the medieval gates, 

eventually locating the hotel at the opposite side of the town. There had been a festival in town that weekend and the tidy up and dismantling were taking place. Some of the streets were closed. When they reopened we were able to park our car nearer the hotel. Checking in, we were allocated a room across the road - no amenities but it didn’t bother us as we were staying only one night. 

As we entered the room the heavens opened and it deluged for about an hour!! 

                 A view from our balcony 

The Romans located the town a little inland to reduce the risk of pirate attack. In the 14th century walls were constructed to protect the city. 

The rain having ceased we set out to walk the walls 
From here we had a view of the Tramuntana mountains which traverse the north of the island. 

Returning to ground level we walked the narrow medieval streets. We saw the Town Hall under renovation 

Passed the Place de la  Constitució - the central square 

 passed the artisan quarter 

down towards the hotel, passing a number of 16 and 17th century Casals, Renaissance stately homes with their ornate windows

We came to the Church of Sant Jaume ( James) closed at this time 

and back to the hotel. 

We are nearby ....until tomorrow 

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