Friday 8 October 2021


This morning we headed for the most beautiful part of Brussels - the Grand Place. I first visited it in 1976 and many times since and it never ceases to amaze. 

It has a grandeur seldom equalled. 

We dined at a nearby restaurant where the waiter plied us with amuse bouche and a digestif with a little dessert for the price of a modest plate.  

We returned to base. It is a pity that during the 1960s, much of old Brussels was demolished to make way for motorways and underpasses. 

Tonight we were eating in one of Brussels most up market restaurants - restaurant Brugman. We thought we were jinxed when the taxi failed to arrive on time and eventually came 30 minutes late!! However, the restaurant manager was most charming as we had earlier advised them of our dilemma!! 

A special menu for €58 was a steal. An amuse bouche, a starter  of pasta with foie gras,  a most delicious steak so tender, a pre dessert and a dessert of a sinful chocolate combination for me. When we ordered a coffee to complete the meal, it came with delicious petit fours - the calories!! The Flemish must live on their sweet treats!! The wine was also reasonable - a meal such as this would cost twice the price in Dublin!! The chef even visited each table to hear our comments !! 

We returned home suitably fed !! 

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