Wednesday 20 October 2021

Before, The Day and the After

The night before the wedding, we taxied to a restaurant in Sencelles, about a 15 minutes driver from Inca. We joined the oldies on both sides and later the younger brigade up the road where they had dined. 

The wedding day dawned.  We arrived at Finca Miranda at 14:00 in preparation for the bride’s arrival. 
It was a 10 minute walk to the venue so refreshments were provided at the half way mark. There we met a lovely couple from the bride’s side.We arrived at the venue and were seated under the shade of the mulberry tree. The bride arrived resplendent in a gorgeous white gown and the bridesmaids in a fresh yellow and white dresses. The groom looked dashing in his light blue jacket, shirt and white trousers while his groomsmen wore similar outfits with a darker shade of blue jacket. A beautiful humanist ceremony followed. 

A half an hour later, we were drinking champagne and eating canapés. As the sun went down, we were seated   
at long tables and the meal was served with copious wine to booth. 

We later adjourned to the dancing area by the pool where a terrific Blues band played the night away. Cocktails were served and not normally a cocktail lover, I more than warmed to Coffee Expressos. We taxied home at 02:00! A great day was had by all. 

The following day, we then adjourned to Finca La Miranda at 16:00 for paella and drinks. We returned to base a little earlier!! 

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