Sunday 13 September 2015

Victoria Falls

We arrived in Victoria at 10.00 to the sounds of African dancers and musicians. The Victoria Falls hotel was built in 1904 and is the oldest hotel in Zimbabwe. 

As the hotel is metres from Victoria train station - the red carpet was laid out for us!! 

There was a delay in getting a room as the other guests had just checked out.  However, it was no hardship as we waited, comfortably seated in the lounge.


We acquired our room and then went on a discovery mission around  the hotel. It has a beautiful setting and one can see Vic Falls Bridge from the garden but not the Falls just the spray!!

We took a walk towards the Falls and fell upon 'The Lookout Cafe'. We were trying to shake off a fellow with a high via vest displaying 'Tourist Police' ! He was trying sell  tours. From the cafe, one could see young people high wiring it across the gorge. If their parents knew? 

When we left the cafe, our policeman was still there but after awhile he pointed us in the direction of Vic Falls town. We gave him a couple of dollars and he left us in peace. It is not a town in the true sense of the word - a place lined with tour agents and souvenir shops. The U.S. $ is the unit iof currency in Zim and its 1,2 or 3 dollars - no such thing as cents.  

We returned to the hotel and had Afternoon Tea on Stanley Terrace.  It is an institution here and it didn't disappoint. 

We had dined so well on the train that we skipped dinner on had a drink again on Stanley Terrace 

On our return to our room , a guest asked CC  if he'd been on the Sunset Cruise this evening He said he had not but was going tomorrow. It appears he was on it and thought CC was too. He and his wife are English but live in Perth and he is CEO of an organisation to do with animal welfare - I can't recall the name of it. We chatted for a time  and he gave us an account of Cecil's demise before we all retired to our respective rooms.

Tomorrow - Vic Falls and Sunset  Cruise while tonight we sleep under mosquito nets - a first ! 

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