Wednesday 6 July 2022

Evreux Normandy

The B&B, though an old property reminiscent of 16 century architecture, is reminiscent of 1960s Ireland, with the artificial plants and flowers abounding and the faux glas chandelier. The elderly  proprietors spoke no English so school fFrench had to be resurrected! Last night we took a walk down town. We saw the cathedral, the archaeological museum and the clock tower in the distance. 

In this area were a number of open air restaurants. We ate at the Londn Pub - we hadn’t noticed its name until long after we sat down! The food was variable - the starter of Mozzarella and Tomatoe was excellent - a large ball of creamy mozzarella together with tomatoes soaked in balsamic vinegar - delicious., the other - melon and ham was tasty and beautifully presented

The main course of two sole meunière disappointed. The fish was of the frozen variety, I would wager. 

After the meal, we walked the 7 minutes back to our B&B, exhausted after a long day! 

Today, we breakfasted at our lodgings. I had requested tea and was asked which type. She showed me a variety of flavoured teas, which I dislike and said I’d take coffee instead  To her English tea is Earl Grey. Finally she showed me a few tea bags which I accepted. There was melon, cheese and ham, cereal and the most delicious croissants and breads. 

After breakfast, we went to see what the town centre had to offer. We had eaten last night nearb but all shops bar restaurants were shut! This morning at 11:00 some were just opening. The town, like most small towns exhibits a large number of shoe that are no longer trading. However, it is very picturesque along the river with flowers. 

We visited the cathedral 

          The magnificent organ - a recent addition

            The magnificent stained glass windows

Nearby was the archaeological museum 

and a portion of the old  city walls. 

We returned to the B&B to collect the car and onwards to Limoges 

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