Monday 31 January 2022

Day 6,7&8. Long Island

On our eventual arrival at JFK, thankfully we were collected by CC’s cousin W and we drove to Long Island. 

The following day we toyed with the idea of going to NYC to do a spot of shopping. However, being tired after the previous day’s extended flight, we decided against it. That afternoon we walked to the local village and purchased wine. The owner of the wine shop, having asked us where we are from, wanted to know how Dublin lost to Tyrone and how Mayo was still cursed?  It appears this area has a very high Irish population. 

That evening, we walked  to the village again with our host and dined at an excellent Italian restaurant, Poppy’s, where as usual, the portions were huge so we brought home next day’s lunch!! 

As we walked home at 21:00, the snow had commenced falling and there was a light smattering on the ground but next morning, when I awoke the scene was one of a winter wonderland. 

It snowed all day. The village shops were closed with the exception of the four Irish pubs - Jameson’s, Fallon’s, Mc Carthy’s and Duggans’. We spent the day looking at the news channels charting the blizzard along the north east coast, the cancellation of flights and the odd reference to the Ukraine. 

Later that morning, the neighbours attempting to clear the footpaths as one could not distinguish the road from the side walk!! Snow depth was 12”-18” and deeper where the snow drifted with the winds. 

This morning, as we awoke, the sun was shining. A thaw had begun. People were on the move again! Cars, driveways and paths were further cleared 

We went to Mass in the nearby church. There was a police patrol car directing the traffic!! There’s a police car there every Sunday.! The large church was almost full. The congregation without exception was Caucasian, social distancing no longer required and 70% or so wearing masks!! 

After Mass, we did a little shopping. Every shop was open from the Beauty Rooms to the Supermarket, from the diner to the bakery. 

It was refreshing to breathe fresh air!  We returned home, where we will remain in for the rest of the day, to allow the clean up to take place and as we expect our host’s son and grandson for dinner. 

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