Friday 28 January 2022

Day 5 Dallas - NYC

                It never rains but it pours!!!

We decided to spend a few days in NYC before returning to Dallas to link up with J and complete our business there. 

We were flying on an Airbus A -220, reputed to be the most modern aircraft in the world, part developed by Bombardier in Belfast and completed by Airbus. 

TG for Sat Nav aa we negotiated our way through this massive airport to drop off the beast of a car hired by J. 

Luckily petrol is cheap here as it did 10 miles to the gallon!! One word of warning - the diesel pump is coloured green in US and the petrol back!! 

Boarding was delayed as we were informed that a new software system was being installed. Eventually, we boarded and the plane had to be shut down once again to re- install the software. 

We took off and an hour into the flight, we were informed that the toilets could not be used but the crew were liaising with the engineers to fix the problem. Problem solved or was it ? A further hour later, we were advised that we were diverting to Detroit in order to fix the problem. With a mere hour to go, I thought we might have continued to NYC but no!  Luckily, we have no connections to make unlike many passengers! 

We have just landed in snowy Detroit 

Earlier, on boarding, the stewardess informed us privately that a couple had collected their baby in Dallas  and were on  their way home to NYC. We were asked if we would  write a message to the couple, sending our good wishes. I wrote a few lines in Irish and the stewardess later informed me that the couple are delighted, especially as the husband was Irish!! 

We should have reached JFK at 16:15 local time (gaining one hour) but as I write, we are departing Detroit at 17:35 with another hour’s flight to JFK - two hours late !! ETA now 18:38!! What a day!! 

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