Wednesday 26 January 2022

Day 3 Airport - Outlet - Forth Worth

This morning, we took J to the airport and continued to a shopping mall - where for the first time since Covid began I purchased some clothes !! 

From there, we drove to Forth Worth, established 1849.  It has a wide horn cattle drive twice daily. It also sports  a rodeo arena - the  word ‘rodeo’ was invented there, FW claims. 

We arrived in the afternoon and walked the historic part of the city. Today most of the buildings are souvenir shops, bars and restaurants. On the sidewalks are tributes to famous cowboys as in Hollywood. 

The building is quite spectacular from outside and inside it holds 

a display of the development of the stockyard 

a large rodeo ring - the word was coined in FW, it is alleged !! 

and a Hall of Fame where all the famous rodeo cowboys are honoured. 

We quitted the Stockyards and walked down Mule Alley  

where a poster explained the value of the horse to the cowboy. 

We returned to Main Street to catch the 16:00 cattle drive. Meantime a poor wide- horned cow was tied to a railing while people mounted her and had their photographs taken for $2!! 

The drive began. The cattle appeared very tame - probably bored by the twice daily routine!! 

Just outside the town is River Ranch, 

where conventions, parties and if you fancy, it will oblige with real Texan wedding!! 

We made the one hour return trip to Dallas in the height of the rush hour traffic - with the aid of the Sat Nav on the iPhone - the car’s Sat Nav refusing to co- operate !!! 

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