Friday 27 September 2019


On we go - another night on Amtrak - another closet! 

Looking good at present - train only 15 minutes late at Grand junction today - here’s hoping we’ll hit Chicago on time!! 

We had plans to visit the US mint today but unfortunately it’s closed. 

Our train doesn’t arrive until 6:30 pm so we have the day here We had seen much of what is to see yesterday, so this morning, we decided to visit the Federal Reserve Bank - Denver Branch 

There was an excellent presentation on the evolution of the dollar. It was very interesting and I even designed my own currency! 

Have you ever seen what $30 million looks like? Look below: 

And if $30,000,000 is too much for you, will you settle for $100,000? 

We quitted the museum having received copious advice on how to spend one’s money wisely. 

We strolled up 16th street observing the beautiful architecture (above street level for the most part) and the markets in the centre of the street.  

Again as we returned to the hotel, we were presented with more street art 

A beautiful city. 

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