Wednesday 5 September 2018

Dublin - Amsterdam - Xiamen (China) - Taipei ( Taiwan)

We departed on the 0855 am flight to Amsterdam (Schipol). We have a very tight connection at Schipol so I hope we make it!! At any rate it’s up to KLM - it’s their through ticket!! Unlike Irish airlines, we were offered a complimentary snack and drink of choice!  

We arrived in Schipol airport at 11.30 ( +1 hr GMT) and within 15 minutes, we had transferred to our departure gate as the plane was boarding for Xiamen ( pronounced Shamin).  We departed promptly at 12.30 as scheduled - such efficiency. 

I’m now aboard Xiamen Dreamliner  en route to Xiamen. As I write, we are 1.40 hrs out of Schipol with another 8.5 hours to go...  our ETA is 05.36 tomorrow (Tuesday) Xiamen is +7 GMT. 

Lunch has been served and I’ve watched Mama Mia. I managed to get a row of seats to myself  and so I slept until dinner. The staff are very attentive. 

Arriving on time, we had completed a journey 9,571 km.  At 0540, the temperature outside was 28 degrees!! 

The Kempinski Hotel  

is our home for the next two nights after which we depart for Taipei (Taiwan). The hotel is located in the heart of the city overlooking the scenic Yundang Lake, 20 minutes by taxi (€5) from the airport 

           A view from our bedroom on floor 21 

We were checked in most efficiently and had a room by 0715 - quite a feat considering Emigration takes time to clear!! 
Xiamen is located on an island. One noticeable feature was that the sky was clear and not smog filled as had been our experience on previous visits to other Chinese  cities. Unfortunately, first son  isn’t here - he had to fly to Hangzhou, up north. 

Everywhere building continues as was evident in all the cities visited to date - multistorey  apartment blocks and commercial centres under construction  are to be observed throughout the country and Xiamen is no exception. 

After a couple of hours sleep, we repaired to the pool area, where we spent a few hours relaxing and swimming. 

On our return to the room, we dressed for dinner and adjourned to the foyer to investigate the offerings. The micro brewery was closed for renovations - this is a shoulder season, being the typhoon season so such is to be expected!! We eventually graced the main restaurant where there was a choice of buffet or a la carte. 

The photos do not do justice to the spread with each chef presiding over his offering. The Maitre D’ was a charming woman who explained the buffet protocol. It was a sight to behold:

Japanese sushi and fish tartare 



Fish of every variety both hot and cold 

With a nod to the Westeners -  beef , lamb and pork cooked to order. This together  with  the best juice bar 

I’ve ever seen (the Chinese love their juices) and sparkling wine, beer and a variety of French and Australian wines 

And cheese and desserts 

which offering included Haagen Das Ice cream!! 
were available as part of the set price €35.  We partook of the feast with gusto - we hadn’t eaten since breakfast,  prior to landing. 

We were the only Caucasians in the restaurant. It was peopled by very young Chinese couples with their single child. The Chinese eat early. The restaurant closed  at 2100. 

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