Wednesday 5 September 2018

Day 2

This morning we left the air- conditioned confines of the hotel to visit Gulang Island - Xiamen’s first World  Cultural Heritage Centre.

We taxied to the ferry port and purchased our tickets.  Even though we do not speak Mandarin and very few Xiamen inhabitants speak English, English signage make it easy. 

The 20 minute ferry ride took us to the island. 

There were crowds boarding the ferry but in a very orderly fashion. On arrival, we had lunch - not all of it you understand!!! 

After lunch we took a buggy to the centre of the island - walkable but not in 33 Celsius!!! At the bus terminal, at the staff’s instigation, Google translate helped us to communicate - very successfully I might add.!!  

As we travelled by electric buggy - the only form of transport allowed on the island - we passed beautiful beaches where photographers appeared to be making advertisements. Though the sand was inviting, notices informed us that swimming was prohibited because of the risk of drowning. 

Having quitted the buggy, we set out to walk the area - shopping streets abounded.

I was offered a sample of raspberry juice and fell into conversation with my benefactor. She apologized for her English (it was quite good - learnt, she informed me, from American movies). We are such a novelty here - no Causacians only Asians. Xiamen appears not to be on the world tourist map as yet though it does boast a cruise terminal.  

The island is proud of its classical architecture -  most in good repair but others needing a little TLC. 

The sports’ field was used by the British for manoeuvres, the Americans introduced foreign games there and introduced the Chinese to physical fitness. 


The Shuzhuang Garden was spectacular with its colorful displays 

The entire island is kept in pristine condition by the very colourfully clad maintenance staff 

It is an island with a history. It was used by the Chinese to free Taiwan from Dutch occupation. The Jspanese occupied it for a time. 

Its most iconic site is Sunlight Rock - a temple perched on the highest point on the island.

It was quite a climb in the full glare of the afternoon  sun (c 38)  so we declined the offer. 

On our return, having enjoyed a glorious afternoon, Xiamen city’s skyline was most impressive !  

Tonight we’re going to dine in Coffee Street. 

Tomorrow morning, we fly to Taipei (Taiwan) - a 1.40 minute trip. 

Til then ......

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