Sunday 9 September 2018

Day 6 Alishan Forest Railway

         Non train buffs - avert your eyes!! 

The majority of this blog will bore you. 

It’s only for the train anoraks!! 

This morning, we left Chiayi train station at 0900 on 

the Alishan Forest train. 

Our seats were in carriage 4 and on the platform a timely reminder - somewhat lost in translation!! 

No longer having its original purpose, today it is one of the biggest attractions in Alishan National Park. 

As a result of damage by a typhoon Morakot in 2009,  the line is now open only to Fenchihu. The journey took 2.5 hours. 

The scenery was spectacular as the little red engine wound its way upwards to a height of  1, 403  metres on a narrow guage rail. 

Lush sub tropical vegetation spread out before us

As we rode the mountainous terrain, the scenery was awe inspiring.  

We appeared to leave the clouds below us. 

We passed a number of quaint stations of wooden construction. 

Finally we arrived at our destination 1,403 metres above sea level!!

Unfortunately this is as far as the reconstruction has accomplished. 

Fenchihu was a lively spot.  

riot of shops selling mainly food and souvenirs. 

Lunchtime called for one of their famous Fenqihu boxed meals, so called as uphill and downhill trains stopped here at lunchtime, passengers were hungry and so needed sustenance.....

and what better than a boxed meal and a cup of Barry’s tea. What more would a gal want? 

The food was delicious - the vegetarian was particularly good with vegetables I had never eaten before. 

We proceeded down ‘Old Street’ and purchased some local coffee, famous as it grows  in the high altitudes surrounding Alishan. We were treated to a coffee demonstration - a unique presentation: 

1. Open coffee bag and suspend in pot

2. Pour in boiling water

3. Let it sit for 3 minutes, then pour. 

We were then treated to a demo on Oolang tea! 

Our hostess then asked if she could be photographed with us.? We had no option but to agree we’re the only Caucasians about.... 

My apologies Rail Anoraks, I digress.... 

Next stop Railway garage where two old locomotives were on display

as was a replica of the rail line with its numerous tunnels - many of which we travelled through today. 

There are numerous walking trails in Alishan National Park. Here in Fenqhui, three trails have been developed.  

Some trails near the towns are moderate but walking in the steep mountains would only be for the experienced walker. 

It was almost 14.00 and our return train was about to depart. We had spent 2.5 hours here in this small station and hadn’t noticed the passage of time. 

The train left as punctually as its more modern counterparts. 

Down we went - the little red engine rounding the loops, 

crossing bridges 

and delving into tunnels as it made its way back to Chiayi 

It chugged on stopping at stations for walkers to alight and board. 

The train spotters were out in force - no sign of them on our outward journey... a Sunday morning lie in, no doubt ? 

At last we arrived back and went directly to the Visitors Information Bureau, where we were assisted by the three staff as we now make a backtrack to Sun Moon Lake, by way of two trains and a bus , so expertly put together and explained to us by the most obliging staff. The reason for backtracking north before we go south again - there was a slight possibility that the weekday train might not reach Fengihu!!! Guess who wouldn’t be pleased if such were the case??? 

Tomorrow, Sun Moon Lake - the largest body of water in Taiwan. 

Til then dear reader....

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