Friday 8 June 2018

2018 June 8–12 Vienna

An early morning flight (6am) to Vienna (2.5 hrs.) had  us in the  city bright and early. It was hot and humid when we descended the steps of the aircraft to take the bus to the terminal. 

PublicTransport in the city is a joy. At the airport, we purchased a 72  hour unlimited travel pass (€17) usable on all modes of transport with a small supplement of €1.17 to travel from the airport into the city about 45 minutes away. A friend, who knows the city, armed us with information on all aspects of the city and its transport options. 

On arrival at Hotel Altwienerhof, we checked in  at a wonderful, old worldy hotel foyer,  full of charm as was the receptionist. The room was spacious and well appointed. The only downside is that it has no air conditioning and it is needed at present. 

After a brief rest, we departed for the MuTh theatre , the home of the Vienna boys choir who were to perform at 17.00 this evening. 

The hotel is adjacent to the U bahn and after three changes, we arrived at MuTh,  at the edge of Ausgarten Park.  Again I have to complement public transport - a U- Bahn arriving every 2-5 minutes!! 

The theatre did not open until 1600. It was now 14.00 and there was no information in the numerous advertisements to say that the Choir was singing that evening!!

I checked the Internet site where I bought the tickets. It stated that the choir were performing on 8 June 2018 at 17.00!! I was to have received a confirmation email on booking but none had arrived or so I thought!!

We took the tram to the river’s edge, joined the Viennese for an ice cream in the summer sunshine 

and returned to the theatre. We sought out our tickets / none at the desk! The girl suggested we try another desk - it appears different agents sell tickets but this wasn’t clear to me on the website. At that desk too, she asked for the confirmation email and I said that I hadn’t received one but the money had been taken from my credit card. She’s wasn’t being too cooperative but going through the few envelopes on the table, I saw my name and was given the tickets. Later, CC suggested that I check my junk mail ( I never think of it) and there was the email with the number requested. 

The MuTh was opened in December 2012, as a venue for the Choir. It’s name derives from Mu for miusika and Th from theatre. The theatre is reputed to have the best acoustics in Vienna. Internally, the floor and walls are made of wood. It seats 400. We were at the front so we had a great view of the tremendous performance. We were firtunate that a choir was in Vienna this weekend as they spend most  of their time performing abroad.  

The choir is composed of c 100 boys between the ages of 12 and 14 years, not all Viennese. The Choir is now composed of boys from 34 nations! The Choir is divided into 4 choirs each with its own conductor - one from Austria, another from China and yet another from Russia. Our conductor hailed from Brazil!! 

The Choir  of 20 sang the first half of the concert. They are really excellent, singing ecclesiastical, concert and folk music. The boys formed  and reformed seamlessly into  different units,  depending on the work being presented. Mozart sang in the Choir. It is said to trace its origin to 1498. One boy sang Ave Maria solo. It was inspiring. 

In the second part of the programme, the Choir was joined by an orchestra. Splendid Strauss and other pieces were played. The Choir sang and another boy sang solo. He was a slight  boy but if one closed one’s eyes, one would have thought it was a woman soprano so strong was the voice. 

The boys returning to their home nearby 

Exhausted, U-barns 2,3 and 5 and we too were back at the hotel for a very welcome rest. 

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