Monday 11 June 2018

Vienna Day 4

We awoke and set out for Stephenplatz to take breakfast at Hawelka off the Graben.

This was a meeting placeof the literati of Vienna. It was opened by and Josefine Hawelka in 1939, 

closed dying the war, reopened in 1945 and at the end of the occupation in 1955, it became the meeting place of the literati including Fuchs, April and Bayer. Josefine died in 2005, having run the cafe for 66 years!! 

Unfortunately , breakfast was over ( we’ll it’s 10..50). It will have to be apple strudel. 

The loud Americans, looking for iced coffee and making smart juvenile jokes did not impress our waiter. He had to repeat a number of times that service was not included -  Americans are not aware of tipping????? 

Our next visit was to the St Stephen’s Cathredal, , towering in its magnificence over the platz. 

The place was awash with tourists. What is it like in July and August? We were continually accosted by numerous people selling tours of all descriptions, which we declined. 

The Cathedral was built in the 14th century on the site of two earlier churches. It is the seat of the RC Archbishop of Vienna. It is built in a Romanesque and Gothic style but the grey stone adds an austere ambience. It can be seen from  many points in Vienna.

It has a belfry which one can climb if one is interested. 

This stage of the tour called for some retail therapy. A visit to a number of shops on the impressive Graben damaged the bank balance! 

It was time for lunch. We again sought out Demel Cafe, first opened in 1786 at another location but moved to its present location in 1856. It was frequented by royalty such as Franz Josef, who wrote love letters about its treats to his beloved Elizabeth, whose favourite dessert was violet sorbet. It was also favored by the bourgeoisie.  It is in essence a shop with a selection of cakes and sweets but there are a few tables outside which serve a restricted lunch menus together with beer and wine.  

As we arrived, we realised that we were close by yesterday, the old city is quite small 

Off again and this time to the Museum Quarter - all the major museums here in one area. I had hoped to visit the Mosman but today the viewing was restricted to two artists unfamiliar to me - I declined the invitation to visit The Museum specialises in 20 and 21st century art and I had hoped to see their Picasso and Andy Warhol collection but alas!! 

The body was tiring so we made our way back to the hotel for a rest before dinner - lication not yet decided. Isn’t the Internet wonderful? 

More anon.....


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