Thursday 12 April 2018

Final Day in Melbourne.

Our final day in Melbourne!  It was quite a cool day yesterday and as it is the equivalent of our Octber, I thought winter had finally arrived! However, this morning dawned bright and sunny once again - max of 30’ We Met J for lunch. 

Melbourne is now the fastest growing city in Australia. It is multi cultural.  It is a very wealthy city as is exhibited by the number of designer shops in the city. It is definitely a young person’s city and one can see how is has attracted some of our brightest and best. The quality of life is exceptional - the numerous restaurants, the concerts and the festivals make for a vibrant city. 

We saw the Town Hall, which we had missed earlier. 

We looked down lanes  and saw coffee shops

and saw the graffiti artist at work. 

and saw one of the many arcades with upmarket shops 

and finally 

the pub with the Irish flag outside - the significance of which I do not know? 

We’re now in Tullarmarine Airport  awaiting our flight to Dublin via Doha - c 22/23 hours - maybe more......

Til the next trip - thank you dear reader for your indulgence.....

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