Saturday 7 April 2018

Hobart - Melbourne

Breakfast of fresh fruit, eggs graced with edible flowers and tea served in china cups befitted a hostelry with a long history 

We departed Longford for Hobart airport.- our journey was hampered by numerous road works and town speed limits. We boarded the flight to Melbourne (1hr) and taxied to South Yarra.  As it was evening rush hour, the traffic was very heavy both entering and leaving the city, which gave us ample opportunity to talk to our taxi driver, an electrical engineer, born in Dubai of Indian parents. He was working for a large engineering company here and completing his Masters. He hoped to do a PhD but wasn’t committing to Melbourne even though he enjoyed its multicultural acceptance - a far cry from the inately conservative city, I worked in, in the 70s. He was taxi-ing  part time. One has to admire the Indians - such hard workers. 

On arrival at our apartment - two doors down from J, we took the train - 2 stops - to Flinders Street station - that architecturally beautiful building hadn’t changed.   We walked to Chinatown. 

What a buzz! It was teeming with young people  celebrating the week-end. 

We adjourned to  a small restaurant renowned for its dumplings. 

We ate well. We left J to meet her friends and returned to the apartment to rest. 

This morning we are brunching with Js friends. They have been following my blog and want to feature in it!! It appears they are fascinated by the fact that I came  to work in Melbourne in the 70s and want to hear my recollections! It should be interesting !!!

We met for brunch (a Melbourne institution) at Como, a National Trust Property located in South Yarra. 

The weather was glorious for a late Autumn day. The temperature was c.24 as we sat outside.  We travelled with Sh from Abbeyfeale to the venue, then A from Askeaton arrived followed by Sa and  Hal both Corkonians. I’m glad J has found her Limerick roots - even if she had to go to Australia to do so.! The girls all want a mention as they’re following the blog with a special hello to Sa, whom I am reliably informed, is the blog’s greatest fan! 

The variety of brunch available was infinite. From corn + zuccchini fritters, cheese toast and bacon to eggs and bacon with an Aussie twist, unlike anything one would breakfast on in Ireland. The Aussies love their eggs and particularly pride themselves on their poached eggs which are slow cooked at 63F. These dishes were complimented with Tickled Pinks and Black and Blue - juices) , Long Blacks (black coffees) and Flat Whites (white coffees). Brunch was delicious and the company entertaining as the topics of conversation  turned to visa challenges and their return date to Ireland!  What a lovely group of girls.  

After brunch, CC, Jane and I visited the Botanical Gardens bathed in glorious sunshine. 

The trees were still clothed in green, it appears Autumn comes later in the Southern Hemisphere.  The range of blossoms was limited. You gardeners might enjoy researching the names? 

In the Botanical Gardens, we visited the War Memorial to the two World Wars. The war memorials are very important to the Aussies as Australia lost so many men in both wars. 

Later, we walked back to our apartment on a shaded street  pathway. 

What a wonderful way to spend a Saturday.! 

Tonight we’re going to meet my niece L in CHINCHIN, another Melbourne institution, I’m reliably informed. 

More tomorrow........

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