Friday 19 May 2017

Olympia - Pygros - Diakofto via Patras

I feel I've been away for weeks ! 

We depart this morning by train for  Pyrgos (30 minutes).  On arrival we will travel north via Patra to Diakofto, where we'll take a scenic train ride. The only train running on the peninsula is the Kito to Athens line. Supposedly, the present narrow guage line which circumnavigated the north of the peninsula is to be converted to the standard European gauge but there is no sign of any work in progress! 

One notices the tragic effects of the economic collapse - multiple shops shut down, roads in poor repair, lightening stoppages and constantly changing schedules everywhere. One cannot plan ahead - just take it as it comes. 

Hotel Kroni was a steal at €40 and a full breakfast at €3 to include juice, cereal, fruit, eggs, croissants and cakes.  I thought this tourist spot would be expensive but no. A three course dinner with local wine cost about €30 for 2 everywhere. In addition travel is inexpensive - so holidaying here in the Peloponnese won't break the bank. 

I'm sitting outside in the bus station cafeteria. It's 10.30 hrs and our bus for Patra departs at 11.15 hrs. At Patra, we'll have to find a bus to Diakopto, (no joined up thinking), where we'll overnight and if the scenic train is running, take the train tomorrow.  Travel here is slow.! 

The morning had dawned bright and fair. Unlike yesterday, the sun was high in the cloudless sky and the temperature at 0930 hrs at Olympic railway station must have been inthe early 20s   
The tour busses were already arriving as we quitted the hotel at 0900 hrs - hence their absence on the ancient site yesterday afternoon! 

An elderly man engaged me in conversation and continued to converse even though I informed him that I did not speak Greek. He was a pleasant man and we saw him happily ensconced in Pyrgos station cafe imbibing his coffee, prior to commencing his business in Pyrgos. 

The train arrived and 4 passengers boarded. The line is not fenced so the driver had to continuously hoot the horn - one lady on the track obviously did not hear him and he blew again! It stopped at 3 stations and more passengers boarded. It is not economical but I believe it was built fot the recent Olympics held in Greece. 

On arrival at Pyrgos at 10.00hrs 


we walked to the nearby bus station, where we had to await the 11.15 hrs bus back to Patra. I was not looking forward to this repeat performance but there was no alternative! 

Diverting into many small towns as we did on the outward journey, we arrived back at 13.30, the final part of the journey treating us to stunning views of the Gulf of Patra. 


We crossed the road to the train station, where railway buses follow much of the old rail route. 

A quick lunch in the station cafe and we departed for Diakofto to take one of  Greece's most spectacular journeys from Diakofto to Kakavryta. 

The journey from Patras to Diakofto took us along the glorious Gulf of Corinth bathed in the afternoon sun and flanked by mountains of many hues. 



I again expied the suspension bridge, first seen as we approached Patra from Bari. It appeared more structured but did not disappoint. 


We left the coast and climbed into the mountains finally arriving at our destination. 

On arrival, we booked out tickets for tomorrow's journey and adjourned to the Chris  Paul hotel minutes from the station. It is a typical pension - not on a par with last night but quite acceptable. However, its location is spectacular set among the olive, lemon and orange groves with the mountains acting as sentries in the background. 

The owner was very friendly and advised us to stay a few hours in Kalavryta instead of returning immediately as we had planned. He rang the station to alter the return time. 

More to come....

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