Friday 26 May 2017


This morning I awoke at  0600hrs and the sun hadn't risen. When I peered out the window at 0800 hrs, there had obviously been a heavy shower - welcome to reduce the humidity!

As we left the hotel at 0900hrs, the sun had risen. If one wishes to climb to the Acropolis, one should rise early and visit as soon as it opens - check opening hours - they're liable to change!

We walked up the pedestrian street and viewed the Acropolis from below! There are cranes on site - are they rebuilding it???? 



In summer one can attend outdoor cinema and concert there, which should be pleasant in the cooler evenings. 

There is a massive amount of graffiti - most in Greek which I don't understand but below tells the tale of Greek disaffection ! 


The museum is located on the other side of the  street. Many of the exhibits  are the originals from the Acropolis and elsewhere. They have replaced them on site with imitations. When I first climbed to the Acropolis in 1978, I did wonder how long they would allow people to walk freely over the area? 


Time did not allow for a visit to the museum on this occasion but it will be on the next visit's schedule. 

We returned to the hotel, walked to the Acropolis metro, purchased our €10 ticket to the airport, one change on metro at Syntagma, and then metro direct to the airport. At time of writing, they depart at 6 minutes after the hour and half hour from Syntagma. It takes 45 minutes. Leave plenty of time, check your area and gate as if you make a mistake, it's a least a 15 minute walk back to the central area and as much again possibly to the next area. 

As we approached the airport, there was a huge sign - not official - 'Immigrants welcome, tourists go home'. The author(s) don't know what side their bread is buttered on!! 🙄

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