Saturday 20 May 2017

Diakofto - Kalavryta - Corinth

This morning we take the Rack Railway from Diakofto - Kalavryta. This area will either attract the walker and/or the train enthusiast. 



Last evening we walked to the beach. It was a stoney beach but the scenery on the Gulf  of Corinth was breath taking. (Note the snow capped mountain tops).


We returned to our hotel and at a coffee shop en route met a Canadian couple from Vancouver who had spent two weeks cycling in Albania prior to their visit to Greece. They had come here to ride the rack rail.  

Diakofto is a small hamlet and we had dinner at the only restaurant in the town. I mention it because of all the places I have travelled to, I have never been asked, when requesting a menu, to come into the kitchen where all the pots were opened to us and we were invited to choose from lamb, stuffed aubergine and peppers, stuffed vine leaves and meatballs! The food was very good. 

The rail journey was as impressive as is its history



The scenery was spectacular as we rode between high mountain peaks,


 through numerous cavernous tunnels 

Note the middle track - the train binds itself to this track as it climbs the steeper parts! 

with the river gorge deep beneath us.   


We arrived at Kalavryta. It is a town steeped in history. 


We visited the holocaust museum it was indeed harrowing as one saw videos of some of the female survivors. All the population had been herded into the local school and men and boys over 13 years of age were removed and shot outside the town. It was left to women and children to bury them. The killings were in revenge for the partisans killing German POW s when an exchange could not be agreed. 



In winter, the town is a ski centre. The main thoroughfare was lined with shops displaying the best of Greek produce. 


We retreated to the station, where the local, young band entertained us. Their slain forefathers would have been members of that self same band. 


We turned to Diakofto 


We are departing for Corinth on the 15.15 hrs bus. At Kito, we join the train for the 10 minute journey to Corinth - the train continuing to Athens. 

Til tomorrow......

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