Thursday 14 January 2016


I had problems publishing because the Internet is restricted in China. At times one could publish and other times not. As a result I lost day 2 in Xian, when we visited The Terra Cotta Warriors and Horses.  

We departed the hotel for the railway station. 

Facing the station. If one looks to one's right, one can see Terra Cotta Warriors written on the side of blue or green busses. It costs ¥8 for. 45 minute trip. The bus stops in the museum car park, which is conveniently the final stop. From here one can get a return bus to Xian. As they are public busses, they depart at 10 minute intervals even in the off season. 

Arrive early to avoid the tour groups. We arrived at 1030 and our visit was almost 
complete by the time the groups arrived  c 1230. 

The area is beautiful and the air is less polluted. Pit 1 was only discovered in 1974, when peasants were drilling a well. 

It is advisable to visit Pit 3,2,1 in that order. Pit 1 is the most spectacular pit as it is the most excavated. Pit 3 is difficult to find as it is behind Pit 2. 

Pit 1 

Even Pit 1 had not been fully excavated. It will take several generations to complete the work. 

Pit 2 was less developed but one is able to view some warriors at closer range. 


Pit 3 

Is least developed. 

On our return,  we passed the 

And returned to the walled city of Xian

We returned to the hotel, intending to cycle around the 14 km of walls tomorrow. 

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