Saturday 2 April 2016

Macon - Troyes - Sers

Last night we stayed in Macon in an excellent Logis in the square. 

This morning we left for Sens via Troyes, to do some retail therapy at Mc Arthur's Outlet. 

It was a very spectacular drive through the Paris Basin. Fellow geographers will appreciate my claim. At one stage Madam Sat Nav brought us into the Cote               d'Or, a forested area, but this was the exception,  as the vast, agricultural Plain stretched out before us - all very systematic in the planting. The farms here are large and this was evident in the absence of much settlement except the villages which interspersed the landscape at intervals. 

The sides of the Côte d'Or were covered in vines. As we drove through the Champagne region, we called at a chateau for a tasting and added to our wine collection!!! 

Having splashed the cash, we repaired to Sens and found an olde worlde hotel. Our hostess runs the adjacent bar. She advised of a restaurant, Cafe de Paris. It was a good meal if not excellent. A French couple spoke to us as we quitted the restaurant- Parisians about to commence a walking holiday. 

We adjourned to a local hostelry, where again we were estoppeded to enquire as to our country of origin.  Of course , we are always British.! 

We  returned to our hotel. 

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