Tuesday 29 December 2015


So how, you might well, ask was the Red Light District?? I will neither confirm nor deny that I was there....... You'll have to come and see for yourself ! 

We walked to a famous Brown pub. They are very small not unlike the Dawson lounge on said street in Dublin. It was Monday night but the street was buzzing as was Cafe Belgique. I was wondering if the Dutch partied every night but of course I remembered it was still Yuletide. 

We proceeded to Dam Square, where off the Square was restaurant no. 41 Ness Street. The Guardian had given it excellent reviews. It had a very simple ambience, no menu as the waitress recites the menu - a choice of 4 starters, 6 mains and 3 desserts. Prices recited as starters €4-6, mains €14-22 and dessert €4 if one wanted the precise cost of a dish one had to ask! The cuisine was excellent and a snip at the price! The meal commenced with a date and blue cheese melee and chicken pate, followed by an excellent beef fillet with a intense red wine reduction and a moist duck, a Dutch apple cake, loaded with cloves, completed an excellent meal.

As we retraced our steps towards Centraal Station and our hotel, we encountered another pub - the building was old - 1618 but the pub is of recent origin. This was explained to us by a local with whom I fell into conversation. We subsequently  discussed the Irish and Dutch economic collapse, the poor architectural standards in both countries and the disintegration of the inner city! And I mislead you, according to my friend the Amsterdam cyclists appear  to be as law breaking as their Irish counterparts!!!

Having finished our drink, we bid our friend good night. 

We retired

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