Sunday 11 January 2015

The final days

On our way we passed The Swannee River Music Park dedicated to the famous old song (for those of you old enough to remember). I didn't realise that the river was in Florida - I thought it was more in the Deep South !! 

We arrived at the airport Car Rental  Return and couldn't find a gas station  to fill the tank.  Our trusted Garmin brought us to a station nearby but we had to quit the airport.  As stated previously, petrol is so inexpensive here at €2.50 per gallon but as we went west, it reduced to €1.89, so our 1800 or so miles cost us very little in fuel . In fact one could fill the tank for c €20!!  

The shuttle took us to La Quinta hotel, nearby The Holiday Inn but we thought we'd have a change. We checked out International Drive outlets in the afternoon  and ate at at the usual Fish on Fire which serves, as aforementioned, excellent local fare.

It had a great Blues band last night and the locals were out en famille. It was noticeable how little people drink - most people drank water even though there was  a well stocked Bar. The over 21 rule is strictly enforced. The Floridians?? eat early and the restaurant was all but empty by 10 pm. 

The people we met varied - some wonderfully friendly and others off-hand. Yesterday, for example, we asked the female bus driver question: how long a journey to the outlets ? reply: depends on traffic, question: will you let us know when we arrive ? answer: you can't miss them and she didn't !! However on the way home the driver ensured we got off right outside the hotel. As I sit here awaiting our transfer to the airport, the receptionist asked if we'd like the TV on and gave us the remote control . In addition the  driver, who drove the hotel free airport shuttle, took us on a detour to show us alligators in a lake nearby and even though I had already tipped him, he was amazed that I was willing to roll my own case into Reception and ran to the door saying: The least I might do is open the door. 

It proved an interesting trip. It was lovely to see Maria and spend New Year's Day  with her friends even if we did sleep through New Year' Eve. ( Sorry Maria)  New Orleans did not disappoint - the French Quarter was most interesting but the cold the cold the cold..... We had not anticipated the near freezing temperatures.....

Addendum - left the hotel to cross the parking lot to guess where to  Fish on Fire. It's Sunday and all the locals are out. the band is playing inside. The  neighbours....I only wanted to photo their beer but they asked if I wanted them in it ... What could I say??!

The locals are amusing themselves trying to get  a ring onto a hook!! 

I had one  pound of excellent shrimp and my companion has a burger- excellent as usual 

Dear reader, If you are taking the children to see Disney etc it might be more inexpensive to book a hotel near airport and get a taxi to Kisimee rather than pay their expensive hotel prices....

We're sitting outside in the sun -  the 80s was promised today. As it rained earlier, I was dubious ,,,, but it's the warmest weather to date and we're homeward bound ...... 

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